Villa Don David Rules
- Check-in is from 3:00pm, and check-out before 11:00am.
Se proporcionará información detallada sobre cómo acceder a la propiedad antes de la llegada. - The villa can accommodate a maximum of 6 people. Please inform us in advance of any changes in the number of guests.
- Any person not included in the initial reservation is not allowed unless previously agreed with the host.
- Please treat the villa with respect and care. Any intentional damage will be subject to additional charges.
- The villa is a smoke-free space. Designated smoking areas [gazebo] will be provided.
- No pets. For reasons of hygiene and consideration of other guests, pets are not allowed on the property.
- Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
- Do not leave doors open when leaving, when leaving remember to turn off the air conditioners.
- Please use furniture and appliances according to the instructions provided. Do not remove or modify any device.
- Please dispose of trash in the bins provided. Report any problems with garbage collection.
- We ask that you keep the villa in clean condition.
- Be aware of the use of water and energy to contribute to sustainability practices.
- There may be security cameras in outside common areas for the safety of all guests.
Rules for the Use of the Pool at Villa Don David
- The pool is available for use 24 hours a day.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Minors are not allowed to access the pool without supervision.
- Only appropriate swimsuits are permitted in the pool. Avoid wearing regular clothing or shoes in the pool area.
- Large or inflatable toys that may hinder the safety of other guests are not permitted.
- Do not run or do dangerous activities around the pool.
- Diving or head diving is not allowed in the pool. Use the pool safely and responsibly.
- For health and safety reasons, do not alter or add chemicals to the pool.
- Eating is not allowed inside the pool. Please use designated eating areas.
- For hygiene reasons, do not use the pool if you have an infection or contagious disease.
The pool may be temporarily closed for maintenance or emergency situations. Guests will be notified in advance when possible. By following these rules, all guests will be able to enjoy the pool safely and enjoyable.
Use and Management of Fire Extinguishers in Villa Don David
- Fire extinguishers are strategically located in key areas of Villa Don David. Please familiarize yourself with your location upon arrival.
- Each fire extinguisher has basic instructions for use printed on its body. Review these instructions before any emergency.
- Remember the acronym P.A.S.S.:
P – Press the lever to activate the extinguisher.
A – Point the nozzle toward the base of the fire.
S – Release the lever to discharge the extinguishing agent.
S – Move the nozzle from side to side to completely cover the fire. - Keep a safe distance from the fire when using the extinguisher. Don't get too close.
- Try to stay in a position where the smoke does not obstruct your vision and avoid inhaling it as much as possible.
- In the event of a fire, notify emergency services immediately by calling 911 before attempting to put out the fire.
- Use the extinguisher only on small, manageable fires. If the fire is large or out of control, evacuate the villa and call emergency services.
- Stay calm in case of a fire. Follow evacuation procedures and use the fire extinguisher if it is safe to do so.
- Make sure there are no obstacles that prevent access to the fire extinguishers in an emergency.
- Do not attempt to modify or repair the extinguisher yourself.
- If there is no electrical power system, the property's entrance gate and the pool heater will be out of service. To open the gate manually, please go to it and read the intrusions located on the motor.
By following these guidelines, you will contribute to the overall safety of Villa Don David in the event of a fire.
How to Open the Gate Manually
- Carefully slide the black cover in front of the engine towards the top.
- Have the property's key ring with you, in this you will find the smallest key, place it in its respective hole and turn it.
- Once placed correctly it will open a compartment.
- When this compartment is open, you can open and close the proton manually.
If you cannot find the unlock lever or if you are in doubt, it is best to wait for the power to be restored or seek professional assistance.
We are here to help you. Communicate any problems or questions during your stay.
By booking, you agree to comply with these rules. Failure to comply may result in early termination of the reservation without refund.
We hope you enjoy your stay at Villa Don David.
Thank you for respecting our rules and making this place a home for all our guests!